Junk Fishing Lures owner, Casey, fishing pictures from 5 years old through today

Who We Are

All Junk Fishing Lures products are handmade by the owner, Casey, in Iowa. Casey focuses on creating practical and unique color, pattern, and shape combinations to win tournaments and catch your next PB. This leads to quality lures and baits designed and built for anglers by one obsessive angler.

Casey grew up in Iowa and has been an avid angler all of his life. After emergency neck surgery in 2020, Casey needed a new hobby and found kayak fishing. Casey jumped straight off the deep end by collecting all the best fishing gear and thinking about how he could improve things.

Casey applied his building knowledge from two decades as a flooring and tile installer to making better and unique fishing lures and baits. Junk Fishing Lures is the culmination of the last few years of experimentation, frustration when commercially available lures failed, and first-hand experience in both boat and kayak fishing.